Behind the scenes

Salon Imaginaria 2023 : l'excitation de participer à une première edition

Imaginaria Salon 2023: the excitement of partic...

I had the pleasure of being invited to participate in the first edition of the Imaginaria show, organized by the Leclerc cultural center in Saint Etienne du Rouvray, near Rouen....

Imaginaria Salon 2023: the excitement of partic...

I had the pleasure of being invited to participate in the first edition of the Imaginaria show, organized by the Leclerc cultural center in Saint Etienne du Rouvray, near Rouen....

Comment obtenir un service presse ou partenariat en 2024 ?

How to obtain a press service or partnership in...

As an author, I call on columnists for a press service, that is to say sending my novel for free in the hope of a column on the networks in...

How to obtain a press service or partnership in...

As an author, I call on columnists for a press service, that is to say sending my novel for free in the hope of a column on the networks in...

Salon Mons Livres : Retour de cette première expérience

Mons Livres Fair: Feedback from this first expe...

Go to this salon, it’s awesome! A fantastic living room! So it had been months since I applied to get a stand at this show where all the feedback was...

Mons Livres Fair: Feedback from this first expe...

Go to this salon, it’s awesome! A fantastic living room! So it had been months since I applied to get a stand at this show where all the feedback was...

Bilan 1 an et des bananes

1 year review and bananas

It's been 18 months since I embarked on this crazy adventure and it's time to look back at how far I've come! First of all, I had to list everything...

1 year review and bananas

It's been 18 months since I embarked on this crazy adventure and it's time to look back at how far I've come! First of all, I had to list everything...

Qu'est-ce que l'urban fantasy ?

What is urban fantasy?

When I informed those around me about my writing project, one of the questions that came up most often, aside from the expected surprise, was: " of Urban Fantasy? Kesako,...

What is urban fantasy?

When I informed those around me about my writing project, one of the questions that came up most often, aside from the expected surprise, was: " of Urban Fantasy? Kesako,...

Comment ai-je écrit mon premier roman ?

How did I write my first novel?

When I “revealed myself” to those around me by announcing the release of my first novel, I had the same general reaction: “Seriously? How did you do ? “. And...

How did I write my first novel?

When I “revealed myself” to those around me by announcing the release of my first novel, I had the same general reaction: “Seriously? How did you do ? “. And...