Comment obtenir un service presse ou partenariat en 2024 ?

How to obtain a press service or partnership in 2024?

As an author, I call on columnists for a press service, that is to say sending my novel for free in the hope of a column on the networks in order to promote it (when the story pleases the person and she obviously wants to share it). It's punctual and a search for good contacts on each outing. However, a partner is someone who will support all of my novels throughout the year. How it works ? I'll explain everything to you here :)

First, a little background: I launched into the business in June 2022 and had absolutely no idea how the press services worked. Since I was a complete newbie as an author, I decided not to put any conditions on the press service mailings to begin with. With a little hindsight and experience, I realize that we must however lay down some rules because drifting sometimes can be costly.
Indeed, you should know that a press service represents significant costs for me. Especially since I enhance the sending of my novel with goodies linked to the story and the shipping costs are significant, even more so with the new law in October. On average, depending on whether it is a digital or paper SP, the average cost varies between €10 and €20. Therefore, by thinking with the columnists who have supported me from the beginning, I resolved to define a few rules. Please read them to make sure this is right for you before applying for 2024.

I do not hide the fact that I chose to offer goodies for digital SPs because, on the one hand I do not see why paper would have more advantages, and on the other hand because I hope that this will push columnists to favor this method which costs me less in terms of sending. Moreover, some of my 2023 partners had agreed to switch to digital to also help me on this subject and I thank them! In 2024, I will have 6 releases in January, March, May, June, July and October.
Are you up for it? Write to me at or come and chat on my networks.

Reminder of my networks:

  • Facebook:
  • Instagram: sunny_taj_book
  • TikTok:
  • Website: it's here to register for the VIP club and receive my exclusive news and bonuses and preview: newsletter-registration (remember to validate the confirmation email sent following the registration – GDPR obligation)
  • Pinterest: sunnytajbook
  • Youtube:

You can also subscribe to my SP on to be informed as soon as the SP opens:

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